Tuning & Pitch Corrections
Many factors, especially atmospheric changes in humidity and temperature, cause a piano to go out of tune. To maintain the health of a piano, manufacturers typically recommend tunings every 6 months.
Regulation & Repairs
The inside of the piano is comprised of over 9,000 parts. Regulation is the adjustment of the mechanical parts to compensate for effects of climate and usage. Regulations are recommended every 5-10 years.
Piano Tuning Service
How often should I get my piano tuned? I recommend tuning every 6 months for regular maintenance purposes (annually at minimum). Pitch changes occur due to fluctuations in humidity, temperature, and usage. Changes in pitch are problematic because the drift is not even across the piano. Regular tunings help maintain a consistent tension in the strings across the board, which increases the stability and longevity of a piano.
Depending upon humidity control and the condition of a piano, some pianos benefit from more frequent tunings. For example, Steinway in particular, recommends tuning 2-4 times per year to keep a piano in tune. Regular servicing will avoid costly repairs in the future.
Piano Cleaning Service
Over time, pianos accumulate dust, dirt, and grime, which can affect their performance and appearance. Many people are unaware of piano cleaner services. Pianos often go decades without a cleaning, accumulating a lot of debris that is not always seen. A piano Deep Cleaning Service includes:
Cleaning the soundboard under the strings
Cleaning around tuning pins
Taking the action out and vacuuming inside the cavity
Vacuuming out parts of the action
Cleaning keys
Benefits of our Piano cleaning:
Cleaner and clearer sound from the absence of dust
Prolonged Instrument life by preventing damage from debris Dust retains moisture which increases rusting
Healthier air quality without accumulated allergens
Maintain value of the instrument functionally and aesthetically
Climate Control
Extreme or fluctuating humidity levels can have detrimental effects on your piano, ranging from inconsistent pitch to long-term structural damage. A piano-specific climate control system provides a consistent environment for your piano, prolonging tunings and the life of your piano.
Pianos are made primarily of wood, felt, wool, and metal. Fluctuations in humidity can impact all these elements. In the same way, a door sticks on a humid day or hair gets frizzy, humidity fluctuations impact the components of your piano. Inquire about having a climate control system installed for your piano.
I am a Certified Installer with Piano Lifesaver and can install new systems and service existing systems.
How to find a qualified piano tuner?
The Piano Technicians Guild is the world's premier source of expertise in piano service and technology.The title of Registered Piano Technician (RPT) must be earned by passing a series of rigorous examinations. When looking for a technician, an RPT will have an industry-standard level of qualifications.